
Intensiv offers medically supervised weight loss programs, with the aim of ensuring maximal weight loss and reducing the medical complexities associated with obesity.

With its focus on a defined end point, Intensiv is uniquely positioned to ensure patient compliance, offer substantial and safe weight loss, and improve patient outcomes. The programs consist of regular visits to the Intensiv clinic for consultations with our multidisciplinary medical and allied health team. At Intensiv, our aim is to provide a very accessible service with a flexible program to meet the unique needs of the patient.

Multiple medical management options are available to help patients lose weight and improve health:

    • Dietary & Physical Activity interventions
    • Very Low Energy Diets

      Recent guidelines from the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) recommend the use of Very Low Energy Diet (VLED) products as a weight loss strategy (10). When a normal meal is replaced with a nutritionally complete meal replacement VLED such as KicStartTM, the body receives the protein, essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and trace elements it needs while restricting the total number of carbohydrate and kilojoules (calories) consumed (11). A short term intensive treatment with a VLED has been shown to produce rapid weight loss, improve health outcomes, and is associated with good adherence to treatment (12-15). On average 2-5kg is typically lost during the first week and thereafter weight loss averages 1.5-2.5kg per week (with even greater losses among heavier people).

    • Pharmaceutical Therapies

      Pharmacological weight loss options are indicated for those with a BMI over 35 or those with a lower BMI (27-30) but with obesity complications. Medications can be used alone, in conjunction with, OR following a Very Low Calorie Diet. The National Institute of Health caution that people should use prescription weight-loss medications only if they are at increased risk of health problems because of their excess weight. Our Physician will discuss all aspects of these medications with you and prescribe the most appropriate.

    • Endoscopic Procedures
    • Endoscopic Revision of Roux-en Y Gastric Bypass
      This procedure is available to assist patients who have previously had a gastric bypass but no longer experience the same restriction as immediately after surgery. This involves endoscopically placed sutures to reduce the size of an enlarged stomach outlet to the original bypass proportions.

    • Pre-operative weight loss

      If you are overweight or obese and require surgery it is likely that your surgeon will recommend that you lose weight. This can be conducted through a structured pre-operative weight loss program.

    • Fertility Program

      Specialised Fertility programs are offered to patients who need to lose weight before fertility treatment (e.g. IVF), with an appropriate referral from a Fertility Specialist.

The right option for you will be based on your Body Mass Index (BMI), medical history, and individual lifestyle and circumstances.

Regional patients can complete the Intensiv programs remotely (i.e. via phone consultations).


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